Dissimulation and Anonymity (Why I Should Stay As Anonymous?)

Last day I read Michael Anissimov’s Anonymity and the Right on moreright.net. It is an inspiring work for me, just like moreright.net and Anissimov.

But I have serious doubts about the value of going out of closet for all Neoreactionaries, or in Anissimov’s words, to make the first jump. As a Turkish Neoreactionary, I think that this is not the right time for making the first jump in Turkey for Turkish Neoreactionaries.

First, I need to elaborate my views.

Anissimov is certainly right about that:

Today, the neoreactionary Right is like a class full of first graders at the edge of a small stream. To get what they want, they need to cross over to the other side. But everyone is afraid to make the first jump. To avoid perpetual leftward drift which ends in Pol Pot, the class will need to make the crossing, even if some of them temporarily lose their livelihood. A flawless crossing with no casualties is not possible.

This is absolutely true in the USA, or any other Western State. But, the thing can be quite serious in Turkey, I think that it is more serious than the USA.

The Cthulhu is swimming very fast in Turkey. A so-called right-wing and Islamist (and also certainly demotist and corrupted ) government is getting out of control, and a left-wing and secular (also demotist, anti-religious, specially anti-Islamist) opposition who had gone mad tries to bring more modernism to Turkish soil. A third opposition (demotist and Kurdist) tries to create an independent, at least autonomous Kurdistan at the southeastern Turkey.

What I mean that it can be said that Turkey has crossed to another level, it became harder and more dangerous to going out of the closet and say “I’m a Neoreactionary” in Turkey than the USA. This is not some kind of whining like a fucking faggot, this is a statement about Turkey’s current situation.

There will be people who lose their jobs, but this is a price that must be paid to get the future we want.
Anissimov wrote. That is not only correct in Turkey, but it is worse.

Yesterday, (it is almost 2 AM in Turkey) the Turkish government banned YouTube, Twitter and Facebook (the ban on Facebook and Twitter had been lifted), with regard to the spreading of a picture that shows a hostage case of a prosecutor by a communist terrorist organization. Last week, the wordpress.com itself was banned (later on, that ban was revoked). Google and Gmail probably banned thirty minutes ago (I am serious but they can abandon from banning of Google). Vkontakte banned last month. I use VPN programs and TOR Network, when I am surfing on the Internet, I also had to use TOR Network when I replied to the comments at my blog.

If someone writes something that irritates someone who is a high-ranking person in Turkey, wordpress.com could be banned at Turkey in just four hours. For instance, if I write a severe criticism about the founder of Turkey and a high-ranking Kemalist irritated from my shit, wordpress.com could be banned after four hours, unless they don’t remove my post, and there is real possibility that I could be imprisoned for three years due to the Turkish Law 5816 (The Law Concerning Crimes Committed Against Atatürk). If I criticize the government, I could be imprisoned with an excuse like that I insulted to government officials, etc.

How someone expect that I can openly declare myself as a Neoreactionary in a country is going full dictatorship? How can openly declare myself as a Neoreactionary, if I am one of few people who are influenced by Neoreaction? How can openly declare my identity when it is almost inevitable that I would be on trial? When Moldbug declared his identity after he commenced to write on Unqualified Reservations?

True, anonymity is holding us back. True, we need some red and black dots. Especially in Turkey. But, Turkish state is too powerful for now. All Islamic Neoreactionaries should follow the way of Taqiya , a kind of Islamic dissimulation. At least for now. As Islamic Neoreactionaries, becoming open targets for now would be like fighting with 3GW strategy and tactics against a FSD (Full Spectrum Dominance) entity, which is the Cathedral itself. Our time has not come yet.

This is not a weeping ceremony like “OY VEY, I AM BEING SO OPPRESSED BY THE ARCH-PROGRESSIVE TURKISH ISLAMISTS.”. This is not a shitty comparison between Turkey and USA. I did not say that Americans should be proud of their so-called freedoms. I just say that Turkey has crossed the river and is slowly (for now) becoming the Sweden of the Middle East. Interestingly for outsiders, Turkish progressivism had imitated the American progressivism and surpassed it to a certain extent.

By the way, when I saw this , I became very happy, (If this is real) seeing another person in Turkey who are interested to NRx and to financially help to NRx and Anissimov.

12 thoughts on “Dissimulation and Anonymity (Why I Should Stay As Anonymous?)

  1. Your instincts seem right, and I am aware the situation is very difficult in Turkey for those opposing the increasingly bizarre government there. However is not the opposition to your views largely un-ideological? I would have thought in Turkey if you were targeted it would simply be because you oppose the government and the ruling class.

    In Western Europe and the United States, it is not simply because we oppose the government that being public about what we believe would be dangerous, but rather because we stand in opposition to a dominant, degenerate cultural force. I think in certain countries, things I have said could lead me to be jailed or banned from entry, but for the most part the greater risk is that you will be targeted by very organized leftist lynch mobs. The government doesn’t need to come after people like us in the West. Their loyal peons will do it for them.

    Just look at the case of the Pizzeria in Indiana that recently said they would not serve sodomites. The government did nothing against them. Their place of business however received death threats and they were bombarded online, and had to close their store.

    Anissimov believes underground movements are weak and ineffectual, but this stems from his assumption that the left will get stronger and stronger to an infinite point he calls the ‘leftist singularity’. I don’t believe such a thing exists. You can only spin a centrifuge so fast before it begins to disintegrate under the forces present. That is leftism. It has an expiration date, where it begins to experience decaying half life akin to radiation.

    During THAT period is where underground movements show their face. They do this for two reasons.
    1) The elite is not as well positioned to respond. They have other concerns, so their response is often slow and uncoordinated
    2) Larger groups of people are at that point more receptive to extreme viewpoints. Reaction is prime to capitalize on this

    If you are ready for that time, with a HUGE network of loyalists to the anti-Modernist cause, you can actually see victory over the left that would be much like how Hitler (albeit wrongly) envisioned his invasion of Russia would go, “kick in the door and the whole rotten edifice will come crashing down”

    Anonymity has its aggregate disadvantages, but Anissimov does not take note of the lethality that anonymity can carry. For example, murderers who kill people they know are on average FAR less successful than murderers who kill people that are total strangers.


    • However is not the opposition to your views largely un-ideological? I would have thought in Turkey if you were targeted it would simply be because you oppose the government and the ruling class.

      Mostly unideological. The ruling party in Turkey defintely has an Islamist current (Partial Islamization of school curricula, purging of many of left-wing state officials, limiting of alcohol sale and advertising, solving of headscarf controversy, granting freedom to Islamic religious orders[tariqas] etc.) On the other hand, there is also a left-wing current in that party, it alienated many Islamists, became extremely corrupted (even in the Turkish standards), became Demotist, pressured against some of Islamic religious orders. I started to think that they read the shit of the Frankfurt School cover to cover.

      In Western Europe and the United States, it is not simply because we oppose the government that being public about what we believe would be dangerous, but rather because we stand in opposition to a dominant, degenerate cultural force. I think in certain countries, things I have said could lead me to be jailed or banned from entry, but for the most part the greater risk is that you will be targeted by very organized leftist lynch mobs. The government doesn’t need to come after people like us in the West. Their loyal peons will do it for them.

      I am aware of that fact, since I see and faced with organized leftist lynch mobs, both my neighborhood and university are leftist strongholds. Fortunately for me, unlike USA or West, many places of Turkey are SJW-free yet. Also Tumblr has been banned by the state, so i don’t see many Turkish feminazis on the net. On the other hand, Turkish state is using leftist mob tactics against its opponents. Let me give you the worst case scenario in Turkey (for now this would be quite extreme, but this would be the future in Turkey, and some writers have faced that kind of shit from the state before):

      Let’s assume that;

      You began to write NRx stuff in Turkish on wordpress.com. You are a prolific and vitriolic writer in Turkish. You gathered a somewhat big audience. You are advocating NRx ideas naturally. At some day, the Cathedral noticed your activities. Your blog began to take covert threats at the comments section. Your audience grew larger. Now, a person from the state constantly read your shit. You’re basically an anti-leftist, your writings began to irritate the leftards. Your audience grew larger. Now, the Turkish police has a file about your blog. You opened a twitter and ask.fm account. Your audience grew larger. Now, the Turkish intelligence has took your file from the police. You constantly criticize the government’s actions from a NRx perspective. And your audience grew larger. At the best case, the intelligence would appoint an Internet troll (Turkish government has 1000 salaried Internet trolls, I am not trolling) in order to crush you down. At the worst case, the intelligence would actively try to obtain your information from wordpress.com. If you exposed yourself before, in the best case, that Internet troll would haunt and threat your family. In the worst case, your beloved ones would be called by the intelligence and they would be told that either they have to prevent you from writing, or your and their lifes would be in danger. You did not give in. Your writings became more aggressive, and so your audience grows larger with some agents from the state. And your audience is constantly growing. If you are not a threat, the intelligence would not you follow back. If you are, the intelligence would follow you more aggressive. If someone among your audience even has some licensed guns (at that phase the intelligence probably would have an informer among your audience who is pretending to be a NRx with a gun) the Turkish police and intelligence would carry out a joint operation and storm your house.

      Your picture would be seen on all government-oriented press organs(approximately %70 of the Turkish press). with an explanation on the bottom like “A Neoreactionary terrorist tried to attack some state official.” If you work in a government office, you are fired immediately. If you work in a private company, you are fired. If you study at somewhere, expelled. That is also valid for your family and your closest friends. You will see shitty news like “What is Neoreactionary Terrorism?, We explain that what is NRx!!!, Who is Mencius Moldbug, the arch-terrorist?” etc.

      You would be on a trial. Your so-called crime is to try to alter/abolish the constitutional order forcibly. According to Turkish penal code, this crime’s punishment is life sentence (solitary confinement). Since you are not a demotist, they have their so-called proof. They would arrange some fake witnesses and they would testify that Mark Citadel is a part of the global NRx terrorist network headed by Michael Anissimov and Mencius Moldbug, and you’re preparing for an armed reaction. You would not be able to defend yourself, your lawyers either would be a bunch of SJWs who secretly want you to be punished, or became extremely terrified by the state that they even cannot speak for you.

      That’s absolutely the worst scenario an opponent of Turkish government can encounter.

      Anissimov believes underground movements are weak and ineffectual, but this stems from his assumption that the left will get stronger and stronger to an infinite point he calls the ‘leftist singularity’. I don’t believe such a thing exists. You can only spin a centrifuge so fast before it begins to disintegrate under the forces present. That is leftism. It has an expiration date, where it begins to experience decaying half life akin to radiation.

      I agree, even if there is an infinite point as the “leftist singularity” the society would collapse way before reaching this singularity.

      Anissimov are right in many points in his post. But the point is, Turkish government is inpredictable and quite powerful. I think that after the elections on 7th of June, the Cathedral would try to stabilize the Turkish state. We will see after June 7.


  2. Pingback: This Week in Reaction (2015/04/10) | The Reactivity Place

    • I considered it, to be honest. But;

      Unless I am tortured or persecuted by the state, I don’t have any plan to expatriate. Maybe, after the elections on June 7 (which I will not vote), I will plan to move abroad.

      Also, I think that running away (unless forced to) is not a good thing. I am not a hero, or knight, but still I will stay in Turkey as far as I can. The Cathedral has plans, but Allah has too.

      And they (disbelievers) plotted and planned (to kill Jesus), but Allah planned too. And Allah is the Best of the planners. Quran 3:54


  3. Pingback: Can Cthulhu Swim in Turkey? | theorientalneoreactionary

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